Lost Contact

Unipol often receive a call from a parent in panic because they haven’t heard from their child. Hanging on to a mobile phone can be a difficult task for some, especially during freshers weeks!

If your child has not been in contact for a while and you are concerned, in some cases the accommodation provider will attempt to contact your child on your behalf. They may not contact you again, but pass on a message and encourage your child to get in contact with you as soon as they can. If your child has not contacted you within five days, you could get in touch with the housing provider again and tell them that you have still had no contact. They may then be able to confirm that the message has been passed on, your child has been seen and he/she is aware that you are waiting to hear from them.

You may be concerned about your child’s health or well-being or even concerned about their behaviour or the behaviour of other people around them. Remember, the housing provider will not be able to discuss any details about your child without your child’s written permission. This may seem a little surprising to you, especially if you are paying their rent, but please remember they are an adult. If you are deeply concerned, there may be other agencies more suitable, such as the police.

Sometimes, students are deliberately fleeing violence or a difficult situation, so please understand why accommodation providers cannot inform you of personal or sensitive details (such as their address, contact numbers or lifestyle choices). It is, however, more often the case that they are having such a good time with friends that they have completely forgotten about you worried parents at home!