Leeds and Bradford Services Group

Terms of Reference:


a) advise on the operation of the Housing Hub services in Leeds and Bradford, maintaining a strategic and operational perspective within each City

b) consider the overall supply and demand of student housing within each city and assess any trends emerging

c) receive reports and consider the operation of accreditation within their area

d) receive reports, as appropriate, on the Project Groups established with the students' union in Leeds.

To meet twice a year.


Chris Warrington, University of Leeds and Unipol Trustee

2 Directors/Trustees (nominated by the Board)
Vacancy x 2

7 other members to be appointed from those in Leeds by Unipol's Board: ideally drawing a representative from the Leeds University Union, the University of Leeds, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds Beckett University Students' Union, Leeds Conservatoire and Leeds City Council.

Kirstin Thompson, Leeds Conservatoire
Dawn Moore, Leeds Conservatoire
Rebecca O'Hare, University of Leeds
Hannah Buschini, Leeds Beckett University
Katie Davies, Leeds Beckett University Students' Union
Danielle Hopkinson, Leeds Trinity University
Lily Butt, Leeds University Union

4 members to be appointed from those in Bradford by Unipol's Board: ideally drawing a representative from the University of Bradford, Bradford University Students’ Union, Bradford College and Bradford College Students' Union.

Sarah Jones, University of Bradford
3 vacancies