Time to Talk Day


Unipol’s Wellbeing Event: 6th Feb 2020

Smartphones, tablets, laptops, gaming platforms; all good in their own way, but can be a little anti-social. February 6th was Time To Talk Day. The idea of this, surprisingly, is to get people talking, away from electronic devices and reconnecting on a basic social level.

To encourage this we held a Wellbeing Event at our largest development, One Mill Street. This development is for 1st year students and has 97 flats. 

We offered a FREE healthy brunch along with FREE massages. Three therapists from We Are Wellness joined us for the day offering: Indian Head Massage, Hand Massage and Acupressure Massage, and a 30 minute Mindfulness session.

There were also conversation starters on the tables to encourage students to put down their devices and talk to each other. Conversation starters were silly and did generate a lot of conversations. Students were able to speak directly to a member of staff if they wished, and conversations were around managing anxiety and stress, particularly around assessment and exam times.

Students were initially a bit shy, however once one or two had tried it, and realised that nothing bad was going to happen, no bits were going to fall off them and it is actually quite beneficial, there was a constant queue for massages.

12 people attended the Mindfulness session, with one person having a 1-2-1 session afterwards. All of them agreed this was a useful session and gave them tools for managing stress and anxiety.

The We Are Wellness therapists were super, very approachable, practiced and skillful, and thoroughly enjoyed the day as well.

Due to the success of this and the student feedback, we will be replicating this in early March for tenants in off-street properties, and this will be held at our head offices. Keep an eye out for dates and times.

Meanwhile, have a look at the pictures of the day and give the exercise below a go!