About Unipol and our values
Rent directly from the charity
If you can't come to Leeds or Nottingham to find a house you can use our online service
Search our database for what you need
Join Unipol's property management service
How the charity works
Search for accommodation in the Leeds area.
Search for accommodation in the Bradford area.
Search for accommodation in the Nottingham area.
Rate your experience of renting in Leeds and read what other students have to say.
Designed specifically for students to make contact with other students and is a great way of finding house mates.
A scheme where students studying at the University of Leeds can stay with a local host family
Find out what to expect and how you can help when your child moves into student accommodation
Get advice on finding and renting a property if you have a family
Everything you need to know about student housing with advice on house hunting, contracts, deposits and much more
If you are a new existing or allocated tenant find out about
Find out what Unipol can offer families
Find advice about the Leeds market
Find advice about the Nottingham market
Find advice about the Bradford market
View all properties Unipol has available for families
Advertise with Unipol
Search landlords and find out who is a Code member
Details about how to become a landlord
Join Unipol’s property management service
Training & resources for Landlords about letting and maintaining properties
A scheme where you can host students studying at the University of Leeds in your own home
What are the Codes and how do they work for students and landlords
See which landlords have joined and how long they have been members for
Check if your property is covered by the Codes
Thinking about making a complaint about your landlord/agent? Find out more here
Information for Landlords on requirements and joining information
Find out how Unipol operate the Codes
Details of all Unipol training events and conferences
Find out what events are happening this year
Join and get a discounted rate on our training events
Buy bespoke training to be delivered at your institution and use Unipol’s research and consultancy experience
Find out how you can book our Board Room in Leeds and some information about food allergens
keep up to date with industry trends and enjoy and engage with quality content and speakers.
General contact details
Report a fault in you in your property (Unipol tenants only)
Find out about the student housing experts who work at Unipol
If you have a problem, we're here to help
Find out when our Housing Hubs are open
Check out our current vacancies
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